Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Julia and Bryan are Married!

Two weeks ago I shot my first wedding in Colorado Springs.  Other than driving through and a couple quick trips to a friend's house, the last time I really explored the Springs was in 1998.  But, boy did I explore this's a good thing I gave myself 4 hours to make the 2 hour trip because I got SUPER lost trying to find the wedding locale.  (I wonder how many blog entries mention me getting lost???)  Anyhow, despite it being insanely stressful, I really enjoyed my tour de Springs.  

So, long story short, I made it to the wedding with plenty of time to spare, and the wedding (nearly) went off without a hitch: the rain made an appearance at the end of the outdoor ceremony, which was actually pretty great.  Perhaps they say rain on your wedding day is lucky because it causes 100 people to break into spontaneous giddy smiling while witnessing the nuptials.  Congratulations Julia and Bryan!



  1. Thanks, Abby! Thanks, too, for letting me crash at your place that night!
